Cake Indeed Presentation

  • Completion Time
    6 - 8 Day
  • Industry
  • Deliverables
    Company Profile Presentation

Project Overview

Cakes Indeed is a bakery brand of a home chef who loves to design and bake cakes in different styles and at an economical rate. The brand was looking for a corporate overview deck to present at a business networking event. They were also looking forward to adding some surprise element to declare the opening of their first brick-and-mortar store.

We chose pastel shades to describe the overall sweetness of the brand. As the chief baker aka the founder is a female, a bespoke illustration family of a female baker was an ideal fit to make the presentation look more relatable. Other abstract elements were carefully curated that resonated with the rawness of the brand.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

Baked a delicious presentation

By using pastel shades and bubbly elements

Inc Design helped take my cake bakery business to the next level with their exceptional product presentation design. Their creativity and attention to detail truly highlighted the deliciousness of my cakes. I highly recommend Inc Design for any presentation design needs in the food industry.

Cakes Indeed

Taste of Happiness

Thank you for giving the opportunity!!

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