Hipton Annual Report

  • Completion Time
    17 - 18 Day
  • Industry
  • Deliverables
    Data & Design Solution

Project Overview

Hipton is one of the leading manufacturing companies serving as OEM for multiple businesses nationally and internationally. As the company was heading closer to its annual general meeting, they were looking to get their word documented annual report into professionally represented data and designs to tell its growth story.

We used a mixture of photographs, elements and shapes to tell the story of growth. A simple white background with secondary colour as blue was used to display the transparency and the trust in the company. As visual expression was the prime motive behind the report, we used a combination of unique and standard infographics to notify the shareholders about the growth.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

Manufactured the magnificent design

For annual report that displays the growth of organization


I was very pleased with the report layout that was produced for my business. They made sure the information was presented in a way that was both attractive and simple to understand. To anyone in need of report design services, I would heartily recommend this team.


Annual Report

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