Investor.Co Annual Report

  • Completion Time
    18 - 25 Day
  • Industry
  • Deliverables
    Design Solution

Project Overview is a private ltd company into SaaS business for small and medium size businesses. They send out quarterly sales reports to its shareholders with detailed overview of the experiments they did with business and its success measured. The brand already had a rough layout of the report in the mind.

We enhanced the structure of the report and created a story to project the sales report in a better manner. We tried to highlight the people behind the sales team. The overview about the sales experiments were mentioned in a very professional format. The shapes were carefully chosen to show the sharp growth of the company with new experiments in the place.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

Ompoo Android App All Screens

Lorem Ipsumwe use AI to augment rather than
The team exceeded my expectations with the report design they created for my company. They were diligent in their approach and followed our brand guidelines to a tee, resulting in a visually stunning and easy to understand report. The team presented the data in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for me to understand the key takeaways from the report.


Annual Report

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