Ornate Standard Presentation

  • Completion Time
    12 -16 Day
  • Industry
  • Deliverables
    Product Feature Presentation

Project Overview

Ornate NX is a SaaS solution provider to jewelry businesses across the nation. The company is a market leader and has multiple large to small showrooms on the board. They were looking for a product feature deck to be presented at one of the mega exhibitions of the nation.

The color scheme of the deck was purposefully chosen in blue, yellow, white, and black to display the trust, accuracy, and youthfulness of the tech of the product. The features of the product were carefully presented in the infographic format to make it easy to understand. The entire deck is a wonderful outcome of the client’s raw content and our design language.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

A gem of a presentation

To attract businesses at an event

IncDesign Agency’s professional design and attention to detail was instrumental in the development of our company presentation. Their ability to effectively communicate our message and unique value proposition was exceptional. We highly recommend IncDesign Agency for any professional presentation development needs.

Ornate - NX

Software for the Jewelry Business

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