Savory Pitch Deck

  • Completion Time
    10 - 12 Day
  • Industry
  • Deliverables
    Pitch Deck

Project Overview

The founders of Savory have varied experience in scaling the food and beverage business. They were amongst the first few in the nation to make peanut butter and other related spreads as OEMs for large companies. Carrying years of experience, they were looking to raise funds for its newly launched brand to scale manyfold in the upcoming years.

The flow of the presentation was kept butterly smooth and visually delicious. Not only that, we researched strong data points to back the claims of the brand. Subtle charts and numbers were used to display the amount the brand was looking to raise, along with a breakdown of future growth and usage of funds.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

Combination of food and fund

To raise capital that will show exponential growth

The ideal partner to create our pitch deck with was Inc Design. Our ideas were able to be transformed by their team into a polished and expert presentation that had a significant impact. We were extremely grateful for the quick turnaround time and attention to detail, and we were thrilled with the outcome.


Food Industry

Thank you for giving the opportunity!!

Don’t be shy, talk to us.

We reply to everyone right away. See for yourself.