What is a culture deck?
Why should you have a culture deck?

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Monday 22th - August 2022


What is a culture deck?

A culture deck is a tool for capturing a company’s mission, values, and ideal operating procedures. s not characterized by ping-pong tables, beer refrigerators, Friday dress-down days, or birthday cake that’s free. People are at the center of this, how they function and connect with one another, how you treat them, and how they anticipate being handled. One of the most crucial aspects of any organization is its culture.

Why should you have a culture deck?

A robust, well-designed culture deck becomes an incredibly powerful tool for explaining exactly how the business functions and educating the workforce about the goal, values, vision, and purpose of the organization. It sets the company apart from the competitors and may help draw in, hire, and keep A-plus talent. The type of behaviour that will lead to someone being recruited, promoted, or dismissed will be thoroughly explained in a good deck. It will provide answers to essential queries that potential workers could have about how the company runs and will shed light on how employees can make a difference and realize their potential.

What to include in the culture deck?

Though this list is not exclusive and you may add other aspects about your company culture, here is the checklist of a
few must-haves in your culture deck.
  • Mission
  • The mission of your business needs to be at the center of your culture deck. This justifies what you’re doing and what you’re aiming to accomplish. Be careful to explain what you believe to be your obligation to them as it will probably require identifying your consumers or clients. You should also quickly summarize the history of your firm up to this point here. Even if your company is new, it’s always a good idea to share your genesis story so that you and your staff can remember it as you expand.
  • Value
  • Your mission is what your objective is all about. Your values govern both how you carry out that mission and how you behave in the process. Values might be as brief as two or three words outlining the elements you believe are critical to operating an ethical company. Or they might be a complicated web of sayings and illustrations that represent the worldview you want your staff to have.
  • Transparency
  • Transparent culture decks are excellent. You should be clear about what success and failure mean to you. Additionally, you should be transparent about the ideas, actions, and outcomes that will contribute to an employee going up the corporate ladder as well as the actions that won’t be permitted. Help folks comprehend what these actions actually look like. This makes it much simpler for workers to interact with you in the desired manner.
  • Rituals
  • You could also wish to discuss the basic working procedures and operations as well as the significance of the cultural signals and traditions in your society. For instance, specific corporate events or the lessons acquired from setbacks. It’s more probable that your team will own your culture if everyone is aware of it and doesn’t rely on someone else to organize team celebrations or chats.
  • Processes
  • If your culture has special features that apply to everything from meetings to scheduling sick days, you need to be explicit about them in your culture deck. Everyone is prevented from wasting too much time by this.

    The Inc Design Magic

    Gathering content and then putting it in one place in fabulous design to represent your company culture in the best light is also one of the services we master at. The slides in the company culture deck may vary from brand to brand. Get in touch with us to know how we can craft a crisp culture deck for your company.