Eye & Go Application

  • Completion Time
    3 Month
  • Industry
  • Deliverables
    Ui – Ux Design - IPad

Project Overview

EYE & Go provides a very interactive dashboard to doctors that can help them to improve their services. Their motto was to provide a comprehensive solution that includes details of minute level. So much information was causing the clutter for doctors and the app’s support department were always on the phone to help out.

We gathered the data from sample users and found the drop offs. We also understood the points that were confusing to users. Gathering the data and mixing it with a solution based approach we designed a modified version of the app with better user experience. As the entire app was going to be used on iPad, we designed the way IOS likes it.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

Their user experience doctor

We played the role of Ux doctor and treated the best

The user experience of our application was significantly improved by IncDesign’s proficiency in UI-UX design. Their ability to deliver a seamless and simple interface was exceptional, as was their attention to detail. For any professional UI-UX design requirements, we heartily recommend IncDesign Agency.


Saving life is Priority

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