Social Club Pitch Deck

  • Completion Time
    14 - 15 Day
  • Industry
  • Deliverables

Project Overview

Social Club is a new-age business networking platform serving one of the communities of the nation staying across the world. As the platform was also aligned with the goals of the government to uplift the community, they were looking to get a fundraising deck to raise funds from the government and work in collaboration with them.

We conducted thorough research to understand how the platform is solving the burning problems of the community backed by data to prove its ability to grow in the future. The deck was designed in a very metaphorical design language to tell a story. The illustrations and the elements were designed in-house to imbibe one of its kind initiatives for the community.

*Data on slides or Screens is obscured to preserve confidentiality.

Our Role

Orange color for this startup

That is going to change the way community bonds


I was in the process of raising funds for my app, which connects business owners with various industries. The team at Inc Design Agency created a pitch deck that was polished, visually appealing, and effectively conveyed all the necessary information. I heartily endorse this group for any needs involving pitch deck design.

Social Club

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Thank you for giving the opportunity!!

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